What Are Sunspots on the Skin and How Should I Treat Them?

Applying sunscreen, whether occasionally or consistently, is the step in skincare routines that is often forgotten. But using SPF, rain or shine, light skin or dark skin, is actually the most important because forgetting to apply it often results in more pigmentation and sunspots. 

So What Are Sunspots?

We know what hyperpigmentation is, how to spot it, and the treatment options but what about sunspots?

sunspots vs hyperpigmentation vs freckles, sun spots on the skin, hyperpigmentation vs sun spots on skin

Sunspots are harmless brownish or white spots on the skin developed by frequent exposure to the sun without protection. They appear in various parts of your body and are sometimes referred to as liver spots, age spots, or solar lentigines. Though it is argued that sunspots have something to do with the liver. 

While it is true that sunspots typically appear after the age of 50, frequent UV exposure results in the development of these spots even sooner. Younger people find flat dark spots on their arms, back, shoulders, and legs. 

These spots are harmless and do not need treatment. They can, however, be confused with moles which in turn can be a sign of skin cancer and thus, sunspots and age spots can be a source for concern. Always consult your physician or your dermatologist in such cases.

How to Treat Sunspots/Age Spots?

If you are wondering how to get rid of sunspots and age spots, there are several options you can take into consideration. The easiest and most important way is to prevent them by regularly using broad-spectrum sunscreen and avoiding sun exposure whenever possible.

how to treat age spots, how to treat sun spots

At-Home Treatment for Age Spots

At-home remedies are often easier and less invasive than professional treatments. Look out for these ingredients on the back of your skincare products as they can be used to conceal, prevent, or target sunspots.

  1. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs)
  2. Licorice Extract
  3. Hydroquinone
  4. Kojic Acid
  5. Vitamin C & E

When searching for skincare products, it’s important to keep an eye out for these active ingredients. They can often be found in popular products like moisturizers and serums. Take the time to carefully read through the list of ingredients in the skincare product to make sure that it is suitable for your individual skin needs. 

eadem milk marvel dark spot serum against sun spots and age spots, milk marvel serum aesthetic photo

Best serum for sun spots

The EADEM Milk Marvel dark spot serum is highly efficient in fighting against sun spots, as it contains Smart Melanin Technology™ to protect melanin-rich skin’s glow, while effectively reducing the appearance of sun spots.

Milk Marvel Serum also contains encapsulated vitamin C, niacianamide and amber algae that dramatically reduce the appearance of dark spots. The latter ingredient helps to preserve tyrosinase, the enzyme that controls melanin production, ensuring that your skin tone remains the same.

Our special formula helps to reduce the appearance of age spots, acne scars or hyperpigmentation while nourishing the skin with hydration and antioxidants. With regular use, some consumers start to see results after just two weeks, but everyone’s skin is different. Typically two to three months of usage is needed for full results.

Professional Skin Treatments

As always whenever trying something totally new on your skin, be sure to consult your doctor or your dermatologist before deciding on any of the treatments listed below. 

  • Laser Treatments 

Laser treatment can be used  to treat sun damage on the skin. There are various kinds of lasers to treat  sunspots and skin pigmentation. During laser treatments, beams are shone on your skin to fade sunspots. The healing time and full recovery from laser resurfacing usually takes between two weeks and one month.

  • Chemical Peels
pealing from age spots & sun spots

As far as the process of chemical peeling is concerned, the physician applies an acid solution to sunspots. The skin eventually peels away on the uppermost layer of the skin so that new skin can grow. This process causes a burning sensation. However, sunspots start to quickly fade away and the burning feeling is gone immediately. Chemical peels are actually one of the most effective ways to treat sun damage.

  •  Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is the process of gently removing your skin’s outermost layer. Next, the dead skin cells are removed leaving you with red skin. The healing process is very fast, smooth and effortless.

  • Dermaplaning 

Dermaplaning is a form of physical exfoliation that uses a surgical scalpel to remove dead skin cells and fine facial hair, also known as “peach fuzz”. This treatment is effective in removing sun spots because it removes the top layer of skin which often contains damaged or discolored cells. Removing this layer helps to reveal the brighter and more even skin underneath.

How to Prevent Sunspots?

Try to avoid sunbathing between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. During that particular time frame the sun’s rays are most harmful. Do your best to schedule your activities during other time frames. Limit your exposure to the sun as much as possible.

  • Always Use Sunscreen 

Before going outdoors, apply a generous sunscreen concentration level, with at least 30 SPF. Do your best to reapply every two hours.

sunscreen from sun spots & age
  • Use Cover-ups, Hats, and Scarves

Hide and cover your arms, shoulders, and neck to protect your skin from being too exposed to the sun. Another great way is to use special protective clothing with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF).

When to See a Doctor?

If you witness these skin spots changing their appearance and color, and irregular borders, seek a doctor’s assistance immediately. These changes may be an early sign of developing skin cancer. Risk factors also include family history, UV radiation, and a lot of sun exposure.

These processes can also be caused by melanoma. Nonetheless, a doctor’s opinion is needed to prevent the increased risk of cancerous growth and to avoid the risk of developing skin cancer.

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation(SCF), one in five Americans develops skin cancer by the age of 70. It results from the uncontrolled growth of skin cells , UV rays from the sun and tanning beds, or genetic mutations.

Takeaway on Sun Spots

Overall, sunspots result from excessive sun exposure. They are typically harmless, but sometimes they present a warning sign of developing skin cancer.

applying vitamin c serum, best serum against sun spots, best serum for age spots, applying eadem milk marvel dark spot serum

The best thing you can do is get yourself checked regularly. 

There are numerous ways of treating things like liver spots, but we wanted to remind you that dark, brownish spots can give a very beautiful allure as well. Consider them harmless and embrace your individuality to the fullest.

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