How To Keep Your Skin Hydrated (With 10 Simple Tips)

Hydrated skin is healthy skin. Dry, dehydrated skin can cause irritation, itching, and other uncomfortable symptoms that can lead to a dull and tired complexion. Luckily, keeping your skin hydrated is easy if you follow some simple tips, from drinking more water to using a hydrating face moisturizer. In this post, we’ll share with you…

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Can Black People Have Freckles? The Answer Is Yes! (Duh.)

How they form and appear on darker skin tones — and how to protect your skin Let it be known: freckles aren’t only for fair-skinned maidens. Braided red hair a la Pippi Longstocking is no longer a requisite to having a complexion covered with a smattering of these charming spots — locks, twists, and 4C…

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